Neglasari tea plantation

Neglasari Tea Plantation

Neglasari tea garden is located in Neglasari village, Cisompet district, Garut regency. In the tea garden area, there is a beautiful waterfall with the flow of water goes down in few terraces. This waterfall is called Curug Neglasari.

Plantation Information

Location: Garut, West Java
Total Area: 1.075,98 Ha
Elevation: 2.638 Ft

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Gunung Rosa tea plantation

Gunung Rosa Tea Plantation

Gunung Rosa tea plantation is located in Karyamukti village, Campaka district, Cianjur. If you go to the world-famous Mount Padang archaeological site via main road, you will pass through the expanse of the Gunung Rosa tea plantation and Gunung Manik tea plantation

Plantation Information

Location: Cianjur, West Java
Total Area: 998,35 Ha
Elevation: 3.205 Ft

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Gunung Satria tea plantation

Gunung Satria Tea Plantation

Gunung Satria is a tea plantation located on the Garut-Tasikmalaya border. This tea garden has a lot of natural tourism potentials, such as hiking trails, rivers and waterfalls.

Plantation Information

Location: Tasikmalaya, West Java
Total Area: 454,23 Ha
Elevation: 3.121 Ft

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Cukul Tea Plantation

Cukul Tea Plantation

Cukul tea garden is located in Pangalengan sub-district, Bandung regency, West Java, about 56 km from Bandung city. It takes about 2 hours driving from the city of Bandung.

Not only the view of the tea garden is beautiful, but the sunrise also amazes many people.

In the middle of the plantation, stands a magnificent villa, built in classic style. This villa is called German villa by local people, because it is similar to the shape of the houses in the German countryside.

Plantation Information

Location: Pangalengan, Bandung, West Java
Total Area: 1.245,94 Ha
Elevation: 4.524 Ft

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